José De Sousa Câmara

University of Madeira

José S. Câmara got his Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Chemistry from the University of Coimbra and his PhD in Chemistry (specialization in Analytical Chemistry) from UMa in 2004. He was from 2004 until 2020 Assistant Professor and 2020 Assistant Professor with Habilitation at the University of Madeira (Madeira Island/Portugal), Chemistry Department, where he is responsible for food chemistry, analytical chemistry, and extraction and chromatographic techniques. Since 2004 is a Senior Researcher at CQM-Centro de Química da Madeira (Madeira Chemistry Research Centre, research unit (FCT - UID674, evaluated as EXCELLENT), is the team leader of the CQM Natural Products Research Group (NPRG), is responsible for the Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry and Enology. José Camara is Director of the Master’s in Applied Biochemistry (, member of the Pedagogic Council of the University of Madeira, and the Scientific Committees of Chemistry Department and CQM, and was a member of the CQM Executive Board between 2013-2023. He is a former Director of Chemistry graduate, a former member of the Academic Senate, and of the Assembly of Representatives of the University of Madeira (November 2008). He is President of the Chromatography group/Portuguese Chemistry Society (2023-2025), and former President of the same group between 2007-2009, and from the Food Chemistry Division/Portuguese Chemistry Society (2018-2021) He is/was the principal investigator/member of several national and international research projects (European, EraNet (2), Interreg (3) Horizon 2020 (PRIMA (1)), and scientific networks (Pt-MS, Sample Preparation). He has authored >223 papers in high-impact journals with peer-review and impact factor (hi=55; i10: 161, number of citations >10200) (Google Scholar), 14 book chapters, and presented over 600 Communications (oral and poster) in International and National scientific Conferences. He is involved in supervising PhD (14, 8 concluded) and MSc thesis (35, 32 concluded) in addition to coordinating several research projects (European, EraNet (2), Interreg (3), and Horizon 2020 (PRIMA (1)). His research interests mainly focus on developing emerging extraction techniques with application in food analysis namely on food bioactive and secondary metabolites, FoodOMICs, food packaging, food safety, food molecular markers, and food authenticity. Moreover, it has developed projects supported on OMIC platforms ¿ metabolomics, proteomics, and volatilomics, as useful tools to detect potential cancer biomarkers, namely breast, lung, and colorectal cancers. He is a regular referee of several scientific journals, including J. Chromatogr. A, J. Chromatogr. B, Talanta, Food Chem.; J. Food Compos. Anal.; Anal. Chimica Acta, Molecules, Metabolites; among others. Reviewed >310 papers and >120 Edited articles for different scientific journals ( He is a member of the Editorial Board of Molecules (MDPI). (Section: Analytical Chemistry), Foods (MDPI); Associate Editor of the Journal of Integrated-OMICS (JIOMICS), ISSN 2182-0287, and Frontiers in Food Science and Technology (Frontiers). Member of the Editorial Board of Journal of Spectroscopy, Hindawi Publishing Corporation; He is Guest Editor of Special Issues in Molecules (MDPI); Foods (MDPI), Food Nutrition (Frontiers); and Frontiers in Food Science and Technology. He is/was included in the list (2019-2023) of TOP 2% highly cited researchers worldwide (Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Food Science) (Standford University) as a single year and in Carrier in 2023. He is included in the list ( of the best Portuguese Chemists