Asim K. Duttaroy

University of Oslo

Professor Asim K. Duttaroy currently serves as a Professor at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo, Norway. His prolific career is marked by over 390 research papers, numerous book chapters, and several international patents (h-index 57, 10 index 156). He wrote or edited 15 books on basic nutrition and clinical sciences. Dr. Duttaroy's notable work includes discovering a tomato extract that prevents blood platelet aggregation, a breakthrough in cardiovascular health. His tenure at the Rowett Research Institute, UK, was distinguished by his research on the fatty acid transport system in the human placenta, significantly advancing our understanding of nutrient transfer to fetuses. A respected Editor-In-Chief of the Food & Nutrition Research journal, Dr. Duttaroy also contributes to the editorial boards of Prostaglandins Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids, Nutrients, and the European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology. His pioneering research extends to fetal brain development and the discovery of anti-platelet factors in tomatoes, leading to the development of Fruitflow®, the first European product with an approved health claim. This product is now available globally, testifying to Dr. Duttaroy's impact on health and nutrition. His expertise and extensive research experience make him an invaluable advisor for the Indian Extracellular Vesicle Society. His contributions to nutritional science, particularly in cardiovascular health and fetal development, align closely with the Society's focus on understanding and harnessing the potential of extracellular vesicles in medicine and biology.