Rreze M Gecaj

University of Prishtina

Graduated from the University of Zurich in Switzerland, Rreze M Gecaj works as an assistant professor at the Department of Animal Biotechnology and Food Technology, at the University of Pristina in Kosovo. In 2018, she earned her Doctorate in Food Science and Technology, in collaboration with the Technical University of Munich (TUM). During her research, she focused on the expression of microRNA in cow reproductive tissue and their potential as an early biomarker for pregnancy detection in animals. She is experienced in both fundamental and advanced techniques in the field of molecular biology, which she applied to analyze the safety and adulteration levels of artisanal food products in the Balkan region. Furthermore, utilizing infraredspectroscopy she is researching the feasibility of establishing NIRS models for classifying goat’s milk samples across different breedsand lactation seasons.Dr. Gecaj has been serving as an expert in the scientific chamber of the Food and Veterinary Agency in Kosovo for four years. During her tenure, she has played a vital role in evaluating the implementation of biosecurity measures. Dr. Gecaj is also an active member of COST actions related to farm biosecurity and the 3Rs concept in biomedical research.